Arc-Rangers drop & Upcoming releases

Arc-Rangers drop & Upcoming releases

Mar 03, 2025Chris Glenn

Hey all! 
I'm happy to finally say, the Arc-Ranger models are finally available. It's been a ton of work to get everything ready, including an overhaul to the store, but it's all finally ready. I hope everyone is stoked with how they turned out.

I wanted to set the Space-Ops STL releases apart by offering a bit more of a premium offering. Over the past year I've been purchasing STLs from other studios, and oftentimes have a frustrating time figuring out what parts go with which bodies. To hopefully address that, I've included a PDF instruction booklet, as well as naming the parts in a way that should make things easy. 

For the releases this week, we have the Arc-Rangers with Carbines, which is the standard operator in the typical AR company. This pack includes 6 models, 15 sci-fi bases (32mm) and a bunch of extra gear you can add to the models. Each Arc Ranger has places to add pouches or extra weapons: 2 on the Jump-pack, one on each leg, and one on the front of the chest armor. 

I've also released a 2-pack of Arc-Rangers with boarding shields, and a 2-pack of Arc-Rangers with heavy weapons. These two releases were planned for later, but they're super fun and wanted to get them out. 

Next up on the release schedule is the over popular Mono-Tank kit, this time as an STL release. This will be up this month, along with the first Terrain release. Stay tuned, and thanks everyone for the love and support! 

- cg

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